People based in United Arab Emirates

Name Biography
Mr Norman Tambach Mr. Norman Tambach works as the Chief Financial Officer of Mashreq Bank
Mr Dan Rawat Mr. Dan Rawat is the Chief Financial Officer of Reem Investments PJSC
Mr Esteban Gomez Nadal Mr. Esteban Gomez Nadal is CEO at E7 Group PJSC.
Mr Ali Saif Ali Abdulla Alnuaimi Mr. Ali Saif Ali Abdulla Alnuaimi was CEO at E7 Group PJSC.
Mr Ranji Sinha Mr Ranji Sinha is a Chief Commercial Officer for Emerging Markets and Strategic Initiatives at Sukoon Insurance Co
Mr Sreedhar Suragouni Mr Sreedhar Suragouni is a Chief Operations and Technology Officer at Sukoon Insurance Co
Mr Emmanuel Deschamps Mr Emmanuel Deschamps is a Head of Individual Life and Workspace Savings at Sukoon Insurance Co
Mr Christopher Wildee Mr Christopher Wildee is a Head of Commercial Lines at Sukoon Insurance Co
Ms Celine Messerschmitt Ms Celine Messerschmitt is a Head of Strategy and Partnerships, Complaints and Compliance and Oman Operations at Sukoon Insurance Co
Mr Aditya Kulkarni Mr Aditya Kulkarni is a Head of Distribution of UAE at Sukoon Insurance Co
Mr Aydiz Ozsoy Mr. Aydiz Ozsoy works as the Finance Director at Ajman Bank
Mr Aydiz Ozsoy Mr. Aydiz Ozsoy works as the Finance Director at Ajman Bank
Mr Wassim Makarem Mr. Waseem Makarem works as Senior Executive Vice President of Consumer Goods and Retail at Talabat Holding PLC
Mr Stefano Vecchio Mr. Stefano Vecchio works as Executive Vice President of People and Strategy at Talabat Holding PLC
Mr Pedram Assadi Mr. Badram Asadi works as the Chief Operating Officer of Talabat Holding PLC
Mr Yi-Wei Ang Mr. Yi Wei Eng works as the Chief Application Technology Officer at Talabat Holding PLC
Mr Jeremy Doutte Mr. Jeremy Dutt works as the Chief Business Officer of Talabat Holding PLC
Mr Khaled Al Fakesh Mr. Khaled Al-Faqash works as the Chief Financial Officer of Talabat Holding PLC
Mr Muhammad Hussain Ghati Al Jbori Mr. Muhammad Hussein Ghati Al-Jubouri is a member of the Board of Directors of Talabat Holding Company PLC
Mr Abdullah Alharoun Mr. Abdullah Al-Haroun is a member of the Board of Directors of Talabat Holding Company PLC